Meaning And Benefits

National Institute of Diamond And Gems(R) offers a broad assortment of fine quality valuable gemstones from our Discovery Gemstones

How to wear ?

How to Wear Yellow Sapphire Ring or Pendent?

Yellow sapphire is a mystical gemstone, which is connected with the dominant planet Jupiter or Guru, the teacher and wearing it with proper steps can enable you to receive the highest profits. Also, individuals should always buy an original yellow sapphire.

The first thing to be kept in mind is the gemstone weight. If the person, who wish to wear yellow sapphire is below 23 years old, he or she should wear a stone up to 5 ratti. The merest weight should be 3.25 carats. But, if the wearer is above 23 years, a yellow sapphire weighing 5-7 ratti will be more useful.

Dharan Vidhi:- 

Wash the Ring in a Kalash with Cow Milk and Ganga Jal and keep during chanting, burn incense sticks and recite Jupiter Mantra at least 108 times. 

After this, wash that Ring with Ganga Jal and wear with positive thoughts. Endow of Jupiter to get maximum benefits.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Light, Medium & Deep Color Yellow Sapphire Gemstone.


Yellow Gold, Brass (Panchdhatu), Copper


The Index finger of the working hand.

Day & Time

Thursday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM.

Chanting Mantra

Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha’,  ब्रिम बृहस्पतये नमः।(108 times)



Vedic Rashi

Sagittarius & Pisces

Western Sun Sign

Aries, Cancer, Leo & Scorpio

How to Wear Blue Sapphire Ring or Pendant

Dhaaran Vidhi:- 

Before wearing the neelam/blue sapphire dip it in the unboiled milk with pure ganga water, honey, flowers & pure ghee to get rid of all impurities from the stone.

Chant the holy mantra of shani “Om Pram Preem Paroum Sah Shanye Namah” 108 times. After that wear your blue sapphire ring in the middle finger of either of the hand with positively thoughts.

Neelam birthstone can too be worn by Gemini, Virgo, and Taurus.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Light, Medium & Dark Color Blue Sapphire Gemstone.


Silver Or White Gold Metals


Middle Finger of the working hand.

Day & Time

Saturday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra

Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah , ऊँ शं शनैश्चराय नमः।(108 times)


Saturn (Shani)

Vedic Raashi

Makar (Capricorn ) & Kumbh (Aquarius)

Western Sun Sign

Libra (Tula)

Suitable Ascendents

Gemini (Mithun), Virgo (Kanya), Taurus (Vrish)

How to Wear Ruby Stone’s Ring or Pendant

Dhaaran Vidhi:

Before wearing the Ruby/Manik stone place it in the unboiled milk with pure ganga water, honey, flowers & pure ghee to get rid of all impurities from the stone. Rest of the important procedure to wear is mentioned below:


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Lignt, Medium & Deep Pink & Purplish Red colors are preferrable.


Yellow Gold preferrable. But in some cases, Panchdhaatu metal can also be used.


“Ring Finger” of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Sunday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra   

Om Hram Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah’, ऊँ हं ह्रीं हौं सह सूर्याय नमः| (108 Times)



Vedic Rashi

Leo (sign)

Western Sun Sign


Suitable Ascendants

Aries, scorpio, Sagittarius & Pisces.

How to Wear Emerald Gemstone Ring or Pendant?

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before wearing the Emerald/Panna stone, dip it in the unboiled milk with pure ganga water, honey, flowers & pure ghee to get rid of all impurities from the stone

Chant the holy mantra of shani “Om! Braam Breem Broom Sah Budhai Namah” 108 times.

After that wear your Emrald/Panna stone ring in the Little Finger of eighter of the hand.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Light, Medium & Deep Green color Emerald Gemstone


Yellow Gold, Panchdhaatu, and Silver.


Little Finger of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Wednesday, early morning between 5-8 am

Chanting Mantra   

Om Budhaye Namha’,  बुधाय नमः | (108 Times)



Vedic Rashi


Western Sign


Suitable Ascendants

Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius


How to Wear a Cat’s Eye Gemstone (Lehsunia)?

Cat’s eye gemstone, commonly known as Lehsunia in Vedic astrology, is a shining gemstone, which is connected to the dark planet Ketu. It is the stone that symbolizes the energies of Planet Ketu. In order to wear a cat’s eye stone, ways of wearing it are varied and are quite significant.

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before to wear the Original Cat’s Eye stone‘s ring & pendent, we need to energize this stone. In that procedure we have to dip this Cat’s Eye stone deeply in the pure holy ganga water along with turmeric, flower, curd, honey & pure ghee.

Sitting in front of your house temple or any temple, hold your hands and chant the holy mantra Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketuve Namah” (in hindi) 108 times and wear your Cat’s Eye ring or pendant positively.   


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Yellowish or Olive Green & Brownish Yellows to Semi Transparent Golden Yellows


Gold and Silver Metals are astrologically preferrable.


“Middle Finger” or “Ring Finger” of the working hand.

Day & Time

Tuesday, or Thursday or Saturday early morning between 5-8 am

Chanting Mantra   

Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketuve Namah: (ऊँ श्रम श्रीं शौं सह केतुवे नमः) 108 Times

Vedic Raashi

Pisces (Meen)

How to wear Opal Gemstone

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before to wear the natural opal stone’s ring & pendent, we need to energize this stone. In that procedure we have to dip this opal stone deeply in the pure holy ganga water along with turmeric, flower, curd, honey & pure ghee.

Sitting in front of youro house’s temple or any other temple, hold your hands and chant the holy mantra “Om Dram Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah” (in hindi) 108 times and wear your opal’s ring and pendant positively.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


White intense colorful fire opal is considered as finest.


Silver, White Gold & Platinum metals


“Ring Finger” of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Friday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra   

Om Dram Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah’, ऊँ द्रम द्रौं द्रौं सह शुक्राय नमः| (108 Times)

Vedic Rashi

Tula (Libra) and Vrishabh (Taurus) Rashi

Other Rashi Who Can Wear

Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini & Virgo.

How to wear Red Coral Ring & Pendant

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before to wear the natural red coral stone’s ring & pendent, we need to energize this stone. In that procedure we have to dip this red coral stone deeply in the pure holy ganga water along with turmeric, flower, curd, honey & pure ghee.

Rest of the procedure are mentioned below:  


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Bright & Dark Red, Lustrous Corals are preferred over dull, faded, or pale ones


Gold, Silver or Copper metals are astrologically approved.


“Ring Finger” of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Tuesday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra   

Om Kram Kreem Kroum Sah Bhoumaye Namah’, ऊँ क्रं कृं क्रौं सह भौमाये नमः| (108 Times)

Vedic Rashi

Mesh (Aries) and Vrischik (Scorpio) Rashi

Western & Other Sunshine

Aries(Mesh), Sagittarius(Dhanu), Pisces(Meen) & Leo(Singh).

How to wear Gomed Stone

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before to wear the natural hessonite (gomed) stone’s ring & pendent, we need to energize this stone. In that procedure we have to dip this red coral stone deeply in the pure holy ganga water along with turmeric, flower, curd, honey & pure ghee.

Sitting in front of your house temple or any temple, hold your hands and chant the holy mantra “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahuve Namah” (in hindi) 108 times and wear your red coral ring and pendant positively.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Reddish Orange or Dark Honey Color


Silver or White Gold metals’ ring are astrologically preferrable.


“Middle Finger” in any of working hand.

Day & Time

Saturday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra

Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahuve Namah’, ऊँ भ्रां भ्रुं भौं सह राहुवे नमः (108 Times)



Rashi to Wear

Kumbh (Aquarius), Gemini (Mithun), Libra (Tula), Taurus (Risabh)

How to Wear Natural Pearl Ring or Pendant

Dharan Vidhi:-

Sitting in front of any temple, wash the ring in a Kalash with pure unboiled cow milk, ganga jal, honey and flower. Keep chanting the mantra “Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Chandmse Namah” at least 108 times. 

After this, wash that ring with Ganga Jal and wear the same with positive thoughts. Endow of Moon to get maximum benefits.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


White Color’ Basra, Venezuela & South Sea Pearls are most of the recommended pearl


Silver metal is highly recommended metal for natural pearl.


“Little Finger” of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Monday, early morning between 5-8 am

Chanting Mantra

Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Chandmse Namah’,ऊँ श्रम श्रीं शौं सह चंदमसे नमः (108 Times)



Vedic RashiCancer (Kark)

Western Sun Sign

Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces


How to wear ?

How to Wear Yellow Sapphire Ring or Pendent?

Yellow sapphire is a mystical gemstone, which is connected with the dominant planet Jupiter or Guru, the teacher and wearing it with proper steps can enable you to receive the highest profits. Also, individuals should always buy an original yellow sapphire.

The first thing to be kept in mind is the gemstone weight. If the person, who wish to wear yellow sapphire is below 23 years old, he or she should wear a stone up to 5 ratti. The merest weight should be 3.25 carats. But, if the wearer is above 23 years, a yellow sapphire weighing 5-7 ratti will be more useful.

Dharan Vidhi:- 

Wash the Ring in a Kalash with Cow Milk and Ganga Jal and keep during chanting, burn incense sticks and recite Jupiter Mantra at least 108 times. 

After this, wash that Ring with Ganga Jal and wear with positive thoughts. Endow of Jupiter to get maximum benefits.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Light, Medium & Deep Color Yellow Sapphire Gemstone.


Yellow Gold, Brass (Panchdhatu), Copper


The Index finger of the working hand.

Day & Time

Thursday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM.

Chanting Mantra

Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha’,  ब्रिम बृहस्पतये नमः।(108 times)



Vedic Rashi

Sagittarius & Pisces

Western Sun Sign

Aries, Cancer, Leo & Scorpio

How to Wear Blue Sapphire Ring or Pendant

Dhaaran Vidhi:- 

Before wearing the neelam/blue sapphire dip it in the unboiled milk with pure ganga water, honey, flowers & pure ghee to get rid of all impurities from the stone.

Chant the holy mantra of shani “Om Pram Preem Paroum Sah Shanye Namah” 108 times. After that wear your blue sapphire ring in the middle finger of either of the hand with positively thoughts.

Neelam birthstone can too be worn by Gemini, Virgo, and Taurus.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Light, Medium & Dark Color Blue Sapphire Gemstone.


Silver Or White Gold Metals


Middle Finger of the working hand.

Day & Time

Saturday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra

Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah , ऊँ शं शनैश्चराय नमः।(108 times)


Saturn (Shani)

Vedic Raashi

Makar (Capricorn ) & Kumbh (Aquarius)

Western Sun Sign

Libra (Tula)

Suitable Ascendents

Gemini (Mithun), Virgo (Kanya), Taurus (Vrish)

How to Wear Ruby Stone’s Ring or Pendant

Dhaaran Vidhi:

Before wearing the Ruby/Manik stone place it in the unboiled milk with pure ganga water, honey, flowers & pure ghee to get rid of all impurities from the stone. Rest of the important procedure to wear is mentioned below:


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Lignt, Medium & Deep Pink & Purplish Red colors are preferrable.


Yellow Gold preferrable. But in some cases, Panchdhaatu metal can also be used.


“Ring Finger” of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Sunday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra   

Om Hram Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah’, ऊँ हं ह्रीं हौं सह सूर्याय नमः| (108 Times)



Vedic Rashi

Leo (sign)

Western Sun Sign


Suitable Ascendants

Aries, scorpio, Sagittarius & Pisces.

How to Wear Emerald Gemstone Ring or Pendant?

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before wearing the Emerald/Panna stone, dip it in the unboiled milk with pure ganga water, honey, flowers & pure ghee to get rid of all impurities from the stone

Chant the holy mantra of shani “Om! Braam Breem Broom Sah Budhai Namah” 108 times.

After that wear your Emrald/Panna stone ring in the Little Finger of eighter of the hand.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Light, Medium & Deep Green color Emerald Gemstone


Yellow Gold, Panchdhaatu, and Silver.


Little Finger of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Wednesday, early morning between 5-8 am

Chanting Mantra   

Om Budhaye Namha’,  बुधाय नमः | (108 Times)



Vedic Rashi


Western Sign


Suitable Ascendants

Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius


How to Wear a Cat’s Eye Gemstone (Lehsunia)?

Cat’s eye gemstone, commonly known as Lehsunia in Vedic astrology, is a shining gemstone, which is connected to the dark planet Ketu. It is the stone that symbolizes the energies of Planet Ketu. In order to wear a cat’s eye stone, ways of wearing it are varied and are quite significant.

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before to wear the Original Cat’s Eye stone‘s ring & pendent, we need to energize this stone. In that procedure we have to dip this Cat’s Eye stone deeply in the pure holy ganga water along with turmeric, flower, curd, honey & pure ghee.

Sitting in front of your house temple or any temple, hold your hands and chant the holy mantra Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketuve Namah” (in hindi) 108 times and wear your Cat’s Eye ring or pendant positively.   


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Yellowish or Olive Green & Brownish Yellows to Semi Transparent Golden Yellows


Gold and Silver Metals are astrologically preferrable.


“Middle Finger” or “Ring Finger” of the working hand.

Day & Time

Tuesday, or Thursday or Saturday early morning between 5-8 am

Chanting Mantra   

Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketuve Namah: (ऊँ श्रम श्रीं शौं सह केतुवे नमः) 108 Times

Vedic Raashi

Pisces (Meen)

How to wear Opal Gemstone

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before to wear the natural opal stone’s ring & pendent, we need to energize this stone. In that procedure we have to dip this opal stone deeply in the pure holy ganga water along with turmeric, flower, curd, honey & pure ghee.

Sitting in front of youro house’s temple or any other temple, hold your hands and chant the holy mantra “Om Dram Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah” (in hindi) 108 times and wear your opal’s ring and pendant positively.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


White intense colorful fire opal is considered as finest.


Silver, White Gold & Platinum metals


“Ring Finger” of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Friday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra   

Om Dram Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah’, ऊँ द्रम द्रौं द्रौं सह शुक्राय नमः| (108 Times)

Vedic Rashi

Tula (Libra) and Vrishabh (Taurus) Rashi

Other Rashi Who Can Wear

Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini & Virgo.

How to wear Red Coral Ring & Pendant

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before to wear the natural red coral stone’s ring & pendent, we need to energize this stone. In that procedure we have to dip this red coral stone deeply in the pure holy ganga water along with turmeric, flower, curd, honey & pure ghee.

Rest of the procedure are mentioned below:  


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Bright & Dark Red, Lustrous Corals are preferred over dull, faded, or pale ones


Gold, Silver or Copper metals are astrologically approved.


“Ring Finger” of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Tuesday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra   

Om Kram Kreem Kroum Sah Bhoumaye Namah’, ऊँ क्रं कृं क्रौं सह भौमाये नमः| (108 Times)

Vedic Rashi

Mesh (Aries) and Vrischik (Scorpio) Rashi

Western & Other Sunshine

Aries(Mesh), Sagittarius(Dhanu), Pisces(Meen) & Leo(Singh).

How to wear Gomed Stone

Dharan Vidhi:-

Before to wear the natural hessonite (gomed) stone’s ring & pendent, we need to energize this stone. In that procedure we have to dip this red coral stone deeply in the pure holy ganga water along with turmeric, flower, curd, honey & pure ghee.

Sitting in front of your house temple or any temple, hold your hands and chant the holy mantra “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahuve Namah” (in hindi) 108 times and wear your red coral ring and pendant positively.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


Reddish Orange or Dark Honey Color


Silver or White Gold metals’ ring are astrologically preferrable.


“Middle Finger” in any of working hand.

Day & Time

Saturday, early morning between 5 to 8 AM

Chanting Mantra

Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahuve Namah’, ऊँ भ्रां भ्रुं भौं सह राहुवे नमः (108 Times)



Rashi to Wear

Kumbh (Aquarius), Gemini (Mithun), Libra (Tula), Taurus (Risabh)

How to Wear Natural Pearl Ring or Pendant

Dharan Vidhi:-

Sitting in front of any temple, wash the ring in a Kalash with pure unboiled cow milk, ganga jal, honey and flower. Keep chanting the mantra “Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Chandmse Namah” at least 108 times. 

After this, wash that ring with Ganga Jal and wear the same with positive thoughts. Endow of Moon to get maximum benefits.


Approximately 1/10th to 1/12th of the body weight. Eg: a person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 to 7 carats stone.


White Color’ Basra, Venezuela & South Sea Pearls are most of the recommended pearl


Silver metal is highly recommended metal for natural pearl.


“Little Finger” of any of the working hand.

Day & Time

Monday, early morning between 5-8 am

Chanting Mantra

Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Chandmse Namah’,ऊँ श्रम श्रीं शौं सह चंदमसे नमः (108 Times)



Vedic RashiCancer (Kark)

Western Sun Sign

Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces


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